Wyvern Returns! …Eventually!

Hello to those who have been following this corpse of a website over the last few years!

The last time I posted here, it was 2017, and I was doing consignment events at Chapters, and boy, time flies, doesn’t it? I’ve been paying to keep this place sitting around collecting dust for three years!

Well, all that is going to change, because my quarantine project has been to finally get a start on the second instalment of Wyvern, and it feels good!

So, as part of that effort (which will once again feature the talents of Toby Medeiros, gifted artist and all-around cool dude), I’m gonna jump back in here and do some website necromancy. At the very least, let’s get the darn thing functioning again.

That will be all the news for the moment, but stay tuned for more updates!

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